In observance of Veterans Day, the Cub Scouts Pack 194 and the Boy Scouts Troop 194, both from Pleasanton, along with the members of the Catholic Life Insurance Pleasanton Branch #63 honored fallen Veterans by placing over 400 flags on their graves at the Pleasanton City Cemetery on Sunday, November 10th.
The flags were provided by the Catholic Life Insurance Pleasanton Branch #63 as part of their “Make a Difference Day Project” where they join with other local groups to do a joint community service project, this is the fourteenth annual joint venture for the two groups. The Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts participate in community service projects throughout the year as part of their “Good Turn for America” efforts. Annually, Catholic Life Insurance Pleasanton Branch #63 donates to Project Graduation, CAM, and Catholic religious education programs in Atascosa County. The group also donates flags to local schools and gives monetary donations to area fire departments. The Pleasanton Lions Club is the charter sponsor for both the local Cub Scouts Pack 194 and Boy Scouts Troop 194.
Article courtesy of Joett Morrison, photos courtesy of Cristal Ramirez.