If you are a Life Scout taking the next steps toward the Eagle rank, see this helpful resource to encourage you on your journey...
Congratulations on reaching this point on your trail to Eagle. Here are all of the necessary forms and documents that you need. Download and print the following files:
1. You can login to your Scoutbook account to download a pre-filled Eagle Scout application. The instructions are here: https://shacbsa.org/Data/Sites/1/media/advancement/generating_fillable_pdf_eagle_application_from_scoutbook.pdf
2. Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
3. Information for Filling Out your Eagle Application
4. Guidelines for Obtaining Reference Letter
5. Reference Letter Form
6. Reference Letter Return Envelope Guide
7. Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Guidelines
8. Eagle Scout Service Project Application
These documents can be found by clicking here.
Preparing for Eagle Scout Board of Review:
A completed Eagle notebook contains the following:
- Eagle Scout Rank Application – 512-728 (June 2022 printing)
- A statement of ambitions and life purpose
- A list of leadership positions, honors, and awards held in a religious institution, school, community, or other organization * located in the paragraph above the applicant's signature on the back of the application
- The ENTIRE Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (containing the completed Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal, Eagle Scout Service Project Plan, Fundraising Application, and the Eagle Scout Service Project Report)
- Project pictures
- The 5 unopened recommendation letters (6th letter from employer if the Scout is employed) * These letters were to be sent to the Scoutmaster- as such they must be unopened and must match the information on the front of the Eagle Scout Application.
Necessary steps to set up the Eagle Scout Board of Review:
- Contact the Eagle Board Chairman at the location you wish to visit. They will give you instructions about how to submit your documents, and what your next steps are.
- The council registrar will verify the dates for all Merit Badges/Ranks before it is turned over to the appropriate Eagle Board Chairman.
- The Scout and unit leader will be contacted by the Board Chairman to complete the reservation for their Eagle Board of Review.
Be advised that this process can take 2-3 weeks from the time documents are received until the Scout is contacted to schedule the Eagle Board of Review. It is the responsibility of the Scout to contact and inform their unit leader of the date and time he/she has selected for their Eagle Board of Review.

In-Person Eagle Board of Review Locations
A. St. Peter's Catholic Church, 405 Paris St, Castroville
Contacts: John Peterson (Boerne) 210-632-8973, EaglePeterson1951@gmail.com
Bill Burges (Hondo/Castroville), wrburges@gmail.com
B. Harlandale Methodist, 102 W White Ave, San Antonio
2nd Wednesday of the month
Contact: Gerardo Mechler, 210-533-9273, EBoR.Fiesta@gmail.com
C. VFW, 2222 Austin Hwy, San Antonio
4th Wednesday of the month
Contact: Kevin Book 210-279-7866, Kevinbook@satx.rr.com
D. Bracken UMC, 20377 Nacogdoches Rd, Garden Ridge
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month
Contact: Rick Shelton, 210-843-8168, rivereaglechair@gmail.com
E. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, 202 W Kronkosky St, Boerne
Contact: Cristopher Brown, 210-896-3062, cristopherdb@icloud.com
By Appointment
Lytle, TX
Contacts: Joett Morrison, 210-602-6845
Kerrville, TX
Contact: Darlene Karthauser, 830-459-3384
Virtual Eagle Board of Review Options
2nd Wednesday of the month
Contact: Kevin Book, 210-279-7866, coyotedistrictebor@gmail.om
2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month
Contact: John Haines, 210-913-6022, roadrunner.eagleboard@gmail.com
Contact: John Tedrowe, 210-909-6465, jtedrowe@yahoo.com
National Eagle Scout Association
Founded in 1972, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) maintains contact with Eagle Scouts to sustain their interest in Scouting. Any Eagle Scout may join the association. Applications for membership in NESA are available through your local council, on the BSA Web page (www.scouting.org), or by contacting the Eagle Scout Service at the national office.

National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for his Eagle Scout leadership service project. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and from that pool, each region selects a region-level winner. A national winner is then selected from the four regional finalists.
The Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award Application