A Can't Miss Camp Experience
A 4-day/3-night resident camp for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts
June 4-7, 2025 | McGimsey Scout Park
Each summer, Bears who've just entered Webelos and Scouts moved up into Arrow of Light are invited to a camp designed especially for them!
The schedule and structure of this program is vastly different from what Scouts experience during Cub Scout Day Camp. Akela Adventure Camp mimics the schedule and teaching of the Scouts BSA Camp. Instead of going home every afternoon, Webelos and AOL Scouts spend the night and have meals prepared three times a day at the dining hall. During the day, Scouts follow a schedule appropriate for their rank and work to complete six different rank advancements. During free time, Scouts can fish, go climbing, brand camp items at the forge, play games, basketball or gaga ball, take part in range activities like archery and BB's, swim at the pool, or enjoy water sports like swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding.
What will your scouts be doing? They will be working on the following electives or activities:
Webelos: Aquanaut, BB, Archery, YoYo, Aware and Care, Let's Camp Webelos, Catch the Big One, Chef's Knife, Slingshots, and Team building.
Arrow of Lights: Archery, Slingshot, BB, Fishing, Swimming, Knife Safety, Estimations, Into the Woods, Team building, High Tech Outdoors.
Join our Summer Camp Staff or CIT Program!
Every camper has a staff member that they remember from summer camp. Do you have what it takes to make an impact on another scout's life? Join our Summer Camp Staff!
16 and older apply here to be on staff.
14 and 15 year olds - apply here to be a Counselor in Training