Leadership training provides adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and methods of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.
View the available training events below or contact one of the Alamo Area Council Training Coordinators by emailing Training@AlamoAreaBSA.org.
My.Scouting.org is THE site for all online BSA training, including Youth Protection.
Scout leaders are considered trained when they have completed leader-specific training for their position. Whether you have volunteered to be an Assistant, a Program Leader, or a member of the Unit Committee, there is a specific training course for you. Volunteer leaders are required to complete the specific training course for their position and are invited to complete the training modules for the other leader positions too.
Youth Protection Training
The State of Texas has approved the new Youth Protection Training to be delivered both ONLINE or In Person.
For a complete list of upcoming trainings, Click Here