10810 Wedgewood Dr. San Antonio, TX 78213
Adventure Awaits
McGimsey Scout Park is a 140 acre camp in North Central San Antonio. McGimsey hosts Cub Scout Day Camps, Spring and Fall Family Camps, Tiger Cub Fun Days, and numerous youth and adult leader training courses throughout the Scouting program.
When you visit, check out the C.O.P.E. course with a Zip-line and the Climbing Tower located in the Park. Consider renting the swimming pool May - September, or reserve the canoes and take your adventure on the lake. Of course there is always hiking, fishing, and gagaball - good fun for everyone! Rentals are available to all Boy Scouts of America families for unit camping and events with rental reservations. McGimsey Scout Park has everything you need to create an experience you'll never forget.
For more information, email the McGimsey Scout Park team at McGimsey@AlamoAreaBSA.org.

McGimsey Scout Park - Ranger - Warren Kingsbury - 210-500-0581
To Join Scouting or for more information on "Building Your Adventure", visit Be A Scout or email Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org or call 210-341-8611 and ask to be put in contact with the Scout Service Executive who organizes Scouts in your area.
"These events, adventures, and experiences for you and your Scout family are supported in part through gifts to Give The Adventure by donors like you."