Welcome to the wonderful world of Scouting where it is always a great day to start your Scouting journey. There are programs within our organization for girls and boys from Kindergarten through 20-years of age. Youth can join the program at any time during the year, though most might be formally invited in the fall or spring.

Cub Scouts - Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Cub Scouts typically meet weekly, with special activities, outings, and camps typically scheduled on the occasional weekend. At this level of Scouting, trained and registered adult volunteers guide the Scouts in age-appropriate activities to build confidence and leadership in the youth they serve.
Watch "The Most Common Questions Parents Have About Cub Scouts"
Contact us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org to find a Cub Scout Pack near you.

Scouts BSA - 11-18 years old
Scouts BSA is youth-led, which means the more senior Scouts of the Troop act as mentors to Scouts growing in the program. Adult leaders help by guiding the youth to develop leadership, ensuring that the aims of Scouting are upheld. Troops typically meet weekly, where the youth plan and prepare for special activities, outings, and camps which are typically scheduled on the occasional weekend.
Watch this video to learn more about Scouts BSA.
Contact us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org to find a Troop near you.

Venturing - 14-20 years old
Venturing Crews are youth-led and youth-inspired, with the focus being on the participants setting goals and achieving them as a team. Youth acquire life skills and gain experiences that prove to be valuable regardless of where the future takes them, all while having a blast. Adult leaders assist the Crew by providing guidance and oversight, ensuring that the aims of the program are upheld.
Watch this video to learn more about Venturing.
Contact us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org to find a Crew near you.

Explorers - 16-20 years old
Exploring exists to teach important life and career skills to young people from all backgrounds through immersive career experiences and mentorship provided by the Bexar County Sherif's Department. Together, we equip young people with character, leadership, and life skills that can be used both today and in their future careers.
Watch this video to learn more about Exploring (Criminal Justice)
Contact us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org to find a Post near you.

Sea Scouts - 14-20 years old
Sea Scouting has promoted better citizenship and improved members’ boating skills through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage. Sea Scout units– called ships- provide limitless opportunities and exciting challenges that you won’t find anywhere else.
Watch this video to learn more about Sea Scouts.
Contact us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org to find a Ship near you.
Ready to take a step into Adventure?
We are ready too! Let us share the available Scouting opportunities in your neighborhood. Reach out in one of the following ways:
Email us at Join@AlamoAreaBSA.org
Call us at (210) 341-8611 and ask for the membership department
Or visit BeAScout.org